Thomas W. Laqueur Quotes

Nachum Goldman in pamphlet, 1916, in which he maintained that in many ways the Zionists were much closer in national spirit than the assimilationists, who had received their influence from the liberal thinkers of Britain and France. ‘The young national Jewish movement, on the other hand, had made the national idea the central concept of its philosophy: Fichte, Hegel, Legarde and the other leading spirits of the German national idea they were also our teachers. It was no  accident that Theodor Herzl, the genius who founded modern political Zionism, came from German culture to the Jewish national idea.'
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Thomas W. Laqueur. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2024, from Website:

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Thomas W. Laqueur. Accessed April 28, 2024.

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"Thomas W. Laqueur." April 28, 2024. <>