Famous Sociologist Authors
Famous Quotes and Sayings
Ali Shariati
Philosopher -
Alice S. Rossi
Feminist -
Alva Myrdal
Politician -
Andrew Greeley
Journalist -
Ann Oakley
Feminist -
Beatrice Potter Webb
Economist -
Beatrice Webb
Economist -
C. Wright Mills
Author -
Charles Horton Cooley
Sociologist -
Charles Tilly
Author -
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Feminist -
Daniel Bell
Editor -
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Diplomat -
Danilo Dolci
Activist -
David Emile Durkheim
Sociologist -
David Riesman
Attorney -
E. Franklin Frazier
Sociologist -
Edward Alsworth Ross
Sociologist -
Emily Greene Balch
Economist -
Enver Aysever
Actor -
Erich Fromm
Philosopher -
Erna Brodber
Historian -
Francis Galton
Anthropologist -
Georg Simmel
Philosopher -
George C. Homans
Sociologist -
George H. Mead
Philosopher -
George Konrad
Author -
Guenther Roth
Sociologist -
Gunnar Myrdal
Economist -
Gustave Le Bon
Anthropologist -
Herbert Marcuse
Philosopher -
Herbert Spencer
Philosopher -
Hugh Mackay
Columnist -
Jacques Ellul
Philosopher -
James Samuel Coleman
Sociologist -
James Samuel Coleman
Sociologist -
Jane Addams
Activist -
Jean Baudrillard
Philosopher -
John Milton Yinger
Sociologist -
John Shelton Reed
Sociologist -
Julia Kristeva
Critic -
Jurgen Habermas
Philosopher -
Karl Mannheim
Sociologist -
Kathleen Casey Theisen
Sociologist -
Kelly Miller
Mathematician -
Leo Bogart
Sociologist -
Leo Löwenthal
Sociologist -
Lewis Hine
Photographer -
Lewis Mumford
Critic -
Luce Irigaray
Feminist -
Martha Beck
Author -
Max Weber
Economist -
Michael D. Higgins
Author -
Michael Schudson
Sociologist -
Nancy Chodorow
Feminist -
Patrick Geddes
Biologist -
Pepper Schwartz
Sociologist -
Peter Berger
Sociologist -
Peter Ludwig Berger
Sociologist -
Philip Rieff
Author -
Pierre Bourdieu
Anthropologist -
Pim Fortuyn
Author -
Raymond Aron
Journalist -
Reinhard Bendix
Author -
Robert K. Merton
Sociologist -
Robert Neelly Bellah
Sociologist -
Robert Nisbet
Professor -
Robert Staughton Lynd
Professor -
Steven Shapin
Historian -
Talcott Parsons
Sociologist -
Ted Nelson
Philosopher -
Theodor W. Adorno
Philosopher -
Theodore Zeldin
Historian -
Thomas E. Mann
Politician -
Thomas Masaryk
Philosopher -
Thorstein Veblen
Critic -
Todd Gitlin
Author -
Ulrich Beck
Sociologist -
Vilfredo Pareto
Economist -
W. E. B. Du Bois
Historian -
Wilhelm Dilthey
Historian -
William Julius Wilson
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